Sober Living Homes: Everything You Need to Know

In a sober living house environment, professionals are available to help you navigate major changes in your new life. They can also help you determine what length of stay is the right one for you. Treatment programs can provide a structured environment for those...

What is Wet Brain? Stages, Signs & Causes

Some researchers believe that Wernicke encephalopathy and Korsakoff syndrome are two separate disorders that share the same cause and are simply related to one another. Other researchers, however, believe the two conditions are actually different stages of the same...

Intervention: Help a loved one overcome addiction

Not only did this affect team morale, but it also contributed to a decline in our CSAT score AND missed sales targets. Think about the desired end state of your OD initiative and conduct a thorough root-cause analysis to select the most appropriate intervention(s)....

5 Ways to Unwind After Work

When I can see it in front of me, I can wrap my head around what I will have to do and then let it go for the evening. The beauty of hanging out with good friends is they can let you vent about that work situation that drives you nuts. But they also have this sneaky...